We are excited to announce the launch of Hairitage Stories- A celebration of the rich culture and history of hair brought to you by Ceata Lash and The PuffCuff.

What are Hairitage Stories?

Hairitage Stories is a collection of truths featuring people of diverse backgrounds who have had trouble accepting themselves and being accepted in mainstream society due to their textured hair. We will hear their stories in their own words as we explore how mainstream beauty standards have brainwashed so many of us into thinking we aren’t beautiful and worthy. We will also discuss the emotional, physical, and spiritual impact of these societal pressures as we celebrate the strides we’ve made to overcome them.

Why are Hairitage Stories Important?

We need a place to tell our stories and work together as we heal from the lies that have eroded our sense of self-worth and self-acceptance. This space is essential because only members of our community truly understand that it's not “just hair” and that the emotional impact of the biases we face is real.

In addition to addressing the impact on women of color, Hairitage Stories also highlight how mainstream beauty standards have caused harm to all women. All of us feel like we have to live up to an idealized version of ourselves because of these unrealistic expectations—a version that simply doesn't exist in reality (and often can't be achieved without damaging chemicals).

We hope that this project will be a source of empowerment by providing a platform to share the stories that need to be heard, and helping you find your voices and stand up against the generational pressures of society.

A Message From Ceata

Our founder, Ceata is passionate about empowering women to embrace their natural beauty through education and community building. She believes in the power that comes from loving yourself and has dedicated her life to walking alongside women as they embark on a self-love journey that often begins with embracing their hair in its natural state.

“I am so excited to see this dream come to life. As I have traveled around the world, introducing women to The PuffCuff, I’ve been honored to hear the stories of their struggles with embracing their curls. I’ve also been overjoyed to hear them talk about the freedom and peace they found, learning to embrace and care for their hair in its natural state. The Hairitage Stories will be a space to uplift those women and form a community around so many shared experiences.”

Make sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss out on the first installment of Hairitage Stories featuring natural hair influencer Afro Frenzy.  

Meta Description: The PuffCuff Founder Ceata E. Lash launches Hairitage Stories, a tribute to self-love and acceptance.

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