It’s a New Year and Time for an Improved You!

One of the most popular new year’s goals is always to be healthy— this usually means working out! Curly haired women and men may see this as a double-edged sword. On one side, you want to hit the gym to be healthier. But on the other, going to the gym with a head full of curls can be less than fun. 


The PuffCuff is for every level of lifestyle, but it also looks smart along with workout tights and a moisture-wicking V-neck tee. Workout sessions don’t have to be a challenge. You don’t have to sacrifice style, curls, and health for the body of your dreams. This is the year you will be stronger, braver, kinder, and unstoppable!


What’s the solution for women and men with big, beautiful curls, who want to workout without their hair becoming frizzy and unmanageable? The PuffCuff Hair Clamp is the one hair accessory that is perfect for any occasion but especially for the gym. 


So, toss away bands that damage your hair and pick up the solution that’s designed to gently gather your curls into a manageable ponytail without pulling, yanking, or causing tightness on your scalp or edges. 


With the PuffCuff, workouts become comfortable, you look stylish, and the best part is this: you won’t ruin your curls! The PuffCuff is nonporous (unlike hairbands) and won’t soak up the sweat or cause that “crimp” line #nocrimp. 


At the end of your workout, you can remove the PuffCuff Hair Clamp or keep it working for you as you toss your post-workout hair into a neat ponytail, puff, or bun and head straight into work, to dinner, or home to relax. 


Take it a step further: if you want to preserve your style and wear your curls down later in the day, “pineapple-ing” your curls, or gathering your hair loosely at the very top of your head, can be done quickly with the PuffCuff. Another favorite workout accessory that goes perfectly with the PuffCuff is the Gymwrap Headband. 


It’s a fitness sweatband developed with EvapoTech™, a revolutionary process that provides maximum sweat absorption through a unique blend of fabrics. The Gymwrap allows heat to escape while letting cool air in and the moisture 'wicking' process occurs at the molecular level, within the fabrics, which results in drier hair! #Gymwrap



Keep your curls moisturized. When you are working out, you sweat. Even though it’s a liquid, sweat is incredibly drying on your scalp and hair and can leave your curls feeling brittle. Re-moisturize after a workout with a spray bottle of water and your favorite moisturizing oil.


After your workout, your curls may have lost some of their definition. Re-braiding or re-twisting at night will help your curls regain their original bounce and life. But you can also use your PuffCuff to keep your hair looking naturally gorgeous and healthy. 


Need a curly healthy helper for other specific conditions? Keep reading.

• The PuffCuff protects against traction Alopecia because it does not pull. 

• Migraines and tension headaches are GONE! with the PuffCuff.

• Deal with Lupus or arthritis? The PuffCuff makes styling your thick, textured hair a breeze.

• Our easy to use, easy to close clasp is ideal for those with joint pain. 


Here’s to a happy, healthy, and improved curly you in 2019! 

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